Asset Overview
This asset includes 3 types of drinking liquids containers used by the German Army during the Second World War. A 5L metallic can, a 7,5L coffee pitcher and a 7,5L water pitcher. 2 of them (coffee pitcher and 5L can) are rigged and ready to be animated in any game engines.
Those assets will embellish you scene and add more details which can help the gameplay and the game-design.
The material of models is unique and ready for PBR.
Low-poly model & Blender native 2.82
* Objects : 3
* Polygons : 3494
* Subdivision ready : Yes
* Render engine : Eevee (Cycles ready)
* LODs : Yes (inside FBX for Unity and FBX for Unreal only)
* Numbers of LODs : 3
* Collider : No
* Collada
* Materials in scene : 1
* Textures sizes : 4K
* Textures types : Diffuse, Metallic, Roughness, Normal (DirectX & OpenGL), Heigh and AO
* Textures format : PNG
* Real scale : Yes
* Scene objects are organized by groups