[M35 on Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QnYD8E)
The Stahlhelm ('steel helmet') is a German military steel combat helmet intended to provide protection against shrapnel and fragments of grenades. The term Stahlhelm refers both to a generic steel helmet and more specifically to the distinctive German military design.
In 1934 tests began on an improved Stahlhelm, whose design was a development of World War I models. The Eisenhüttenwerke company of Thale carried out prototype design and testing, with Dr Friedrich Schwerd once again taking a hand.
Liner system used in M35, M40 and M42 Stahlhelmen
More than 1 million M1935 helmets were manufactured in the first two years after its introduction, and millions more were produced until 1940 when the basic design and production methods were changed.