Asset Overview
Graffitti on the east side of the passage through the Maiden Stone on the summit of Traprain Law, East Lothian. It is marked with graffiti letters and date - JL AW 1854 .
The Maiden Stone is a block of phonolite, split from the exposed bedrock to its NE leaving a narrow gap in between. It measures 4.2m in length from NW to SE by 0.65m in breadth and up to 1.4m in height. The rock, which bears graffiti on its NE face, is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Haddingtonshire Sheet 10, 1855) and the OS surveyors noted that ‘A traditional story is told and believed by the country people that no woman except the[y] be a virgin can pass between these rocks...’ (OS Name Book No. 42, p17, see also p64).
Canmore ID 356169
Site Number NT57SE 173
NGR NT 58307 74748
Datum OSGB36 - NGR