Gun flint from the wreck of the Earl Of Abergavenny.
Collection: Earl of Abergavenny
Classification: Crew/military
Measurements: Length 30mm Width 36mm Height 15mm
Date made: 1804
Display: not on display
Manufacturer/Creator: as yet unknown
Credit: Portland Museum Trust
In 1796 the East India Company had started to procure gun flints from John Burgon, a supplier of flint from Brandon in Suffolk. This flint is generally glossy black in colour and of a higher quality to the previously used Northfleet, Kent, flint.
Both types of flint have been found on the Abergavenny as the cargo was procured during the period of transition.
The vast majority of the flints recovered from the forward area of the ship suggesting they were stored in barrels and likely destined for use with the British Army in India.
For more information about Portland Museum’s Diving into the Digital Archives of the Earl of Abergavenny project click [here](