Asset Overview
In this nexorade of an icosahedron the twist factor has been chosen for contact of adjacent struts, and with the struts extendeded there is also further contact. This is done by eye, and contact will only be accurate to very low precision.
rotegrity -a n,2.8 -O n -f 0.46 ico | off_util -Kv11,38 | off_trans -R 0,1,phi,0,0,1| off_util -A e0,1 | poly_kscope -s C5 | off_trans -R 0,0,1,0,1,phi | poly_kscope -s I -c ve | off_trans -y D5 |antiview -m map_grey30:seagreen:orange:steelblue:brown:tomato -e 0.0835 -v 0.0835 -x f