On SOL-152 Ingenuity made its 10th flight. Unlike previous flights, this was intended to actualy scout the unique rock formation known as "Raised Ridge." This was due its location being in an area that could allow the Perseverance rover to become immobilized by the large sand dunes that the rover would have had to traverse through. It also allowed Ingenuity to test more of its capability for long programmed flights that required maneuvers to create somewhat of an inverted 'U" and hovering to take multiple shifted images to allow for parallax (stereo) viewing with anaglyph & polarized glasses for "3D" views. Even more important is the ability to create 3D models like this one with off-the-shelf photogrammetry tools like 'Reality Capture' and even Apple's free 'Object Capture'. Textures & mesh cleanup done with PS, Blender 3.0
Mars images and base 3D model of Ingenuity (with new UVs and Textures) courtesy NASA JPL.