Dunurlin Church: The site of the 13th century parish church (Cal Docs Ire, V, 297) is located in the graveyard here. The church was the subject of a dispute in 1457 (Cal Pap Reg, 11, 332) but appears to have been kept in repair into the 17th century (TCD Ms 2158, 94). It was in ruins in 1756 (Smith, 69).
In 1841 substantial sections of the N, S and W walls remained, indicating a building 16.46m x 6.25m, with walls 1.32m thick; there were opposing doorways in the N and S walls, the latter having a pointed head (OSL). Though remains of the edifice were visible until the early 20th century (O'Sullivan 1931, 508), the location of the church is now indicated only by a raised area at the W end of the graveyard. The site lies in a low-lying area near the NW tip of the peninsula.