Asset Overview
The Krokus 3 enlarger is an optical device for making prints by projecting and enlarging images on photographic paper in a photographic darkroom. For that purpose, the negative image film (6 x 6 cm) is enclosed in a flat film carrier equipped with two pairs of built-in vertical and horizontal diaphragms. The diaphragms adjust the area of the image being copied onto the light-sensitive material, which is placed on the platform beneath the lens. Just below the carrier is a glass condenser for the even lighting of the negative film. Light is provided by a lightbulb. Below the negative carrier are extensible bellows with an optical arrangement equipped with a ring with red safelight filter – light-sensitive material does not react to this colour, which enables scaling and preliminary image processing to be adjusted before actual exposure.
Manufacturer: Warszawskie Zakłady Foto-Optyczne, Warsaw, 1960s
Inv. No.: MIM745/VI-105
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA