Lead cloth seal from the wreck of the Earl Of Abergavenny.
Collection: Earl of Abergavenny
Classification: Trade
Measurements: Length 35mm Width 26mm Height 6mm
Date made: 1804
Display: not on display
Manufacturer/Creator: as yet unknown
Credit: Portland Museum Trust
This lead seal is embossed with the East India Company logo with the date 1804 on the front and 3G on the back.
3G may relate to a consignment code or specific location where the cloth was checked or stored.
Cloth was the most expensive commodity on board and over two thousand consignments were being carried.
Over two hundred and fifty lead seals have been recovered from the wreck, making it one of the largest collections worldwide.
For more information about Portland Museum’s Diving into the Digital Archives of the Earl of Abergavenny project click [here](https://portlandmuseum.co.uk/earl-of-abergavenny/)