Light Test 4 - Sunrise (Leave Mr. Camera Alone)

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Tycho Magnetic Anomaly
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Another Scene using Sketchfab's dynamic lights. Very simple/scene just to test the concept , but I really wanted to try do a sun rise. Like the previous Light test experiments I did this one uses two rotating cylinders in which are placed spot lights, these rotations are animated to control the light on/off. On this occasion I didn't use dithered alpha gradients to get a softer fade to the lights as I wanted to avoid any casting artifacts like the previous light tests I have used a strip that is animated just in front the the camera to try and achieve a nice fade in and fade out to black. There is also an animated environment globe with a simple gradient with a touch of emission to brighten the sky as the sun rises. One light is in view but disguised as a star , I used just the right color and emission value on the stars and light object so they blend into the lit sky

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