Asset Overview
Roman clay lamp (lucerna) dated between the 1st century AD and the 3rd century AD, of unknown origin. Lamps fueled with olive oil and other vegetable oils were very common in the Roman world to provide artificial light. It is decorated with a winged victory, front, standing on a globe (Ferreira de Almeida). Her left hand is raised with a crown and on her left she holds a palm leaf. Lucerne of scrolls type Bailey D-v, Dressel 12/13, Deneauve V B. The specimen presents 2,8 cm in height and 10,4 cm in long. It is currently preserved in the Frei Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum (Évora, Portugal). Catalog No. ME5047.
475 photos from Canon 5D Mk IV. Completely processed (aligned, scaled, meshed, cleaned, simplified, unwrapped, textured) in Reality Capture. FERREIRA DE ALMEIDA, José Antonio - "Introdução ao estudo das lucernas em Portugal" in O Arqueólogo Português, Nova Série, II. Lisboa: 1953.