MA040-048 - Corrower

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The stone leans gently to E. Ogham inscription was previously recorded on both the N and S ends of the stone . At a height of 0.8-1m above the base, a number of slight indentations or possible notches can be seen, which may be part of the ogham inscription. On the S end of the stone, the ogham inscription, weathered but clearly visible, extends from the top of the stone to a point c. 1.3m above ground, coinciding with the narrowest edge (T 0.5-0.1m) of this end of the stone. A dense growth of lichen covers the upper third of the stone, with more moderate surface mottling elsewhere. The exceptional size of the stone suggested to Macalister (1945, 9-10, no. 7) that it was originally a prehistoric standing stone, adapted by a later ogham carver for an inscription. Macalister (ibid) noted that the scores are rather broad and shallow, pocked and rubbed smooth, up on both edges and reading: --]MAQ CERAN[I] AVI ATHECETAIMIN. Date of last visit: