This tombstone is believed to have marked the grave of Meiler de Bermingham, 2nd Baron and founder of Athenry town (GA084-001----). Meiler’s castle (GA084-001006-) is situated c. 190m to the N and as part of his development plan of the new town he introduced the Dominicans in 1241. He died near Cashel in 1252 but his body was brought back to Athenry to be buried close to the high altar he slab (L 2.08m; Wth at W end 0.52m; Wth at E end 0.29m) is trapezoidal in plan and tapers in height from its western (H 0.34m) to eastern (0.22m) end. It is broken almost mid-way across its length. The gable-like ends incline slightly towards the flat ridged top and each bears a plain Latin cross in high relief. The stone is undecorated; the irregular crack-like grooves appear to be due to natural weathering (ibid). (Bradley and Dunne 1992, 33-4; McKeon 51, Pl. 30)