Mount Sinai in Arabia - Jabal Maqla al-Lawz

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Nate Loper 🗺️ ⛏🏺 #ArizonaGuide
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Some historians and researchers place the real Mount Sinai in Arabia instead of the traditional site in the Sinai Peninsula. This mountain in Arabia is mistakenly often called Jabal al-Lawz (Mountain of Almonds), but the mountain typically identified is actually Jabal Maqla, which is in the al-Lawz range in the Tabuk region of modern Saudi Arabia. A Sinai in Northwest Arabia has long been proposed by biblical historians, archaeologists, and Egyptologists for well over a century. The annotations provided here show what are believed to be key places identified by researchers and amateur archaeologists. Dispite scholarly research and documentary work in pictures, film, and GIS collection, no detailed archaeological excavation has taken place in this location—due greatly in part to the political situations in that region. If this is indeed the biblical location of the real Mount Sinai in Exodus, it is one of great cultural heritage and history. -Nate Loper