Asset Overview
The MTV-10 is a device used for recording and playing back sound and monochrome images on magnetic tape. It allows recording programmes in the ORIT standard for broadcasting in television programming, and preparing one’s own recordings using a special television camera. The main panel of this device features a power switch with control light, two hubs for videotape reels, a covered record/playback mechanism (for recording black-and-white television images on half inch chrome tape), three potentiometers (phase, video, audio), six buttons (record, rewind, fast forward, play, still, stop), as well as two indicators (video, audio) and a tape length counter with a reset button. A total of 6000 units were produced, which were mostly used in schools.
Manufacturer: Zakłady Radiowe im. Marcina Kasprzaka, Warsaw, 1981
Inv. No.: MIM703/VI-84
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)