Asset Overview
This item is a cellular phone integrated in a single housing with a pocket computer, which was designed with business applications in mind. The purpose of the device was to perform simple office tasks, such as agenda management, document editing, viewing simple webpages, or handling faxes and emails. Although the word was not in use at the time of the Nokia 9000 launch, the device may be considered as one of the first ever smartphones on the market, making it one of the most significant designs in the history of communication technology.
It came into existence as a result of the development of second-generation cellular networks (GSM), which, apart from voice calls, also offered the function of digital data transfer. This possibility was usually implemented with the use of a portable (laptop) or pocket (palmtop) computer tethered to a cell phone.
Manufacturer: Nokia, Finland, after 1996
Inv. no.: MIM1730/VIII-55
Model prepared on the basis of photogrammetric measurements
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA