Asset Overview
Model made from 24 photos of top surface only taken for photogrammetry in 2008 as part of the Northumberland & Durham Rock Art Project and available on the ERA web-site.
Sandstone block is 4.2m wide, 4.7m long and stands 1.6m high.
[England's Rock Art (ERA-1087)](
There are many separate and linked motifs across much of the top surface. The motifs include most of the motif cup and cup and ring repertoire, in a range of sizes. Many of the motifs are interlinked together, and seem to run down from the top, southern part of the stone where there are many natural depressions, basins and weathering grooves. The motifs can be separated into 22 single cups, 4 cup and grooves, 5 cup and single rings, and other mixed types. Many of the motifs have the characteristics of cup and rings, as well grooves going through the cups and rings. Some motifs appear to be very stylised, but appear on this panel alone.