Asset Overview

Finally tested out stop-motion animation feature on Sketchfab.
I've always want to make an animated tutorial of folding an Orizuru (折鶴), a.k.a. the classic origami crane, so this is a perfect test subject.
After making each model for the animation (total 35 models, 63 lines of text instruction), I realized it would be cute and interesting to make it somewhat like a dance.
The crane's color scheme is based on Red-Crowned crane, an iconic subject of interest in countless Chinese and Japanese traditional art. (And by writing this I learnt that Orizuru IS in fact a tribute to Red-Crowned crane.)
It's a fun mindless project, and good to know how easy to setup stop motion, and learn the limitations (i.e. one material) versus skin animation that I normally do.
(Source image and info linked from Wikiepdia)