Asset Overview
A pedometer is a device used for determining the distance travelled based on the number of steps taken. The rectangular brass housing contains a gear transmission. A clock face with four dials showing the step count, respectively: single steps (scale 1–10), tens (values 10–10), hundreds (100–1,000) and thousands of steps (1,000–10,000). This string was attached to the end of the trouser leg or to the shoe. The mechanism of gears and gear transmission was activated by a jerk of the string, caused by the movement of the leg while making a step. Each step moved the gear by one tooth. The person taking the measurement had to proceed at a steady pace.
Time of creation: 18th century
Inventory number: 4410; 410/V
Museum: Jagiellonian University Museum Collegium Maius
Digitalisation: Digitalisation: RDW MIC, Virtual Małopolska project