Petroglyph of Mount Pedroso. Petroglifo Pedroso

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First of all ! If you want to see the carvings...activate solid view (**Matcap**), press the letter "I" on the keyboard or go to the bottom right and press "Model Inspector", then choose, "Matcap", otherwise you wouldn't see a thing and...maybe that was the idea of the ones who carved the symbols. It's true that more than 3000 years have happened since they did it, but other glyphs are able to be found in Correxíns and Outeiro do Lombo much better preserved. Maybe that was the point, that the symbols were difficult to see and only could they have been appreciated under special conditions. Only if we wait until the sunset we'll be able to see them due to it's hidden location in the bedrock (check the links in the description). This astronomical property is not exclusive of this group of representations. Astronomical knowledge was vital for the megalithic cultures of Western Europe and their monuments were embeded with it in a moment when agriculture was spreading and contacts were much common than we thought.