I discovered this cool paper about an algoritham called PIFuHD that generates from a single image a whole 3D body of a person. So I got a stock image of a guy in a suite from [here](https://www.pngkit.com/bigpic/u2w7o0y3u2y3e6w7/), turned him into a 3D model and exported him to mixamo. At mixamo the character was auto-rigged and the animation was applied. After some 2h of trying around with the tools, I had this dancing business man. Fascinating how easy it is but at the same time the quality isn't yet usable for anything else than a quick, funky sketch.
The paper to the AI algorithm can be found here: https://shunsukesaito.github.io/PIFuHD/
For anyone who wants to try it out ;)
Renders and more on my insta: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCD27xNnOTD/