Karst, Slovenia. Prehistoric landscape near village Lipa discovered by lidar.
First we have clearly visible big hillfort with some reamins of still visible remains late antiquity houses. Also location of 14-15. century church.
Karst region was heavily marked by WWI as big chunk of Isonzo/Soska front was running across it. Here we have really good visible remains of Austro-Hungarian frontline and trenches (with caverns and probably artillery places) behind it.
This model is part of [#FridayLiDAR](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=FridayLiDAR&src=typd) project on Twitter.
Check it out...it is archaeology and lidar combined :D
Thanks to Mike Gill for the python coding https://github.com/mike-gill/qgis2sketchfab
LiDAR data http://gis.arso.gov.si/evode/profile.aspx?id=atlas_voda_Lidar@Arso