Asset Overview
Creating this piece was a huge challenge, most of the referance came from James Puckle's original patent submission for this weapon, so forgive some artistic liberty. That being said, I have tried to make this weapon as accurate to the origional as possible, and am very proud of it! I hope you enjoy!
Some more info on the firearm:
The Puckle gun (also known as the defence gun) was a primitive crew-served, manually-operated flintlock revolver patented in 1718 by James Puckle, (1667–1724) a British inventor, lawyer and writer. It was one of the earliest weapons to be referred to as a "machine gun", being called such in a 1722 shipping manifest, though its operation does not match the modern use of the term. It was never used during any combat operation or war. Production was highly limited and may have been as few as two guns.
Puckle was a true innovator of the time, and this weapon conveys concepts that were decades before their time.