Resistance To Judgement 4 Dignity

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Eric Pranausk
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CC BY 4.0

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Based on "[RTJ Hands]( by [RTJ](, licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. _____ Born into this world with somethin to say, even if we've got nothin to our name. You and me, we're human just the same. You and me, we have a right to some dignity. But then we received the judgement of 'unworthy'. Now resistance is our only opportunity. Want to put put us in a cage for gettin high. Never wanna help, even when we just wanna try. Acting like you own the earth, wind and sky. Using weapons of war to make our blood flow, and using words as weapons to let us know that you think we belong way down below. We are the many, they are the few. Flashing those colors, ours red, theirs blue. Shouldn't have to fight over nothin but a hue. You and me, we have a right to some dignity. But then we received the judgement of 'unworthy'. Now resistance is our only opportunity.