On the floor of a WNW-ESE valley in an area of rock outcrop. Subcircular grass-covered area (int. dims 35m N-S; 31.7m E-W) defined by the intermittently visible grass-covered foundations of three stone walls (Wth 1.3-2m) placed 2-4m apart, although only two walls can be traced at S (max. ext. dims 54.4m E-W; 50.6m N-S). There is no identifiable original entrance. A small rectangular enclosure or annexe (RO021-042018-) (dims c. 30m N-S; c. 20m E-W) defined by a grass-covered stone spread (Wth c. 1-2m) is attached to the SE, and relict field walls (RO021-042019-) (L c. 100m) attach to the perimeter of the cashel at N, E, S and NW.