Asset Overview
Topped by a roughly carved gable; along the perimeter of the frame, some quadrangular holes are visible to hold a urn of the statuette upright in the interior.
Dimensions of the Aedicula : cm. 82 x 59 x45;
one of the interpretative transcripts says:
[P]udicitiae /
Caeci(liae) Q(uinti) f(iliae) Metro(dorae) /
P(ublius) [~-]ius coniugi /
[e]t parentes /fecer(unt).
It is a funeral inscription engraved beneath a Aedicula-shaped niche. As can be seen exemplified by this epigraph, Pudicitia, personification of the physical reverence, can be used in close connection with a person, and in particular with a deceased, Pudicitia Caecilia. It is possible to date enrollment in the late Republican period.
It is located in Terracina, Italy