Located in Terracina, Italy
L(ucius) Marcius Princeps
monumentum fecit sibi et libertis liber=
tabusque posterisque eorum.
H(oc) m(onumentum) s(ive) s(epulchrum) e(st) h(eredem) n(on) s(equetur).
Translation: Lucio Marcio Principe made the monument for himself and his freedmen and their posterity - This monument or tomb will not follow his heir.
The title of "Princeps" given to the deceased usually refers to the emperor but "princeps" but the princes (Latin: principes) were also the soldiers who formed the second line of the army of republican Rome. They were experienced soldiers who formed the second battle line in the manipulative legions of republican Rome, behind the first of the hastati and in front of the third of the Triari.