Asset Overview
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"Clach a' Mheirlich, or the "Thief's Stone" is a Class I (ie. probably 7th -9th century) symbol stone.
It is a sandstone pillar, 6ft x 1ft 6ins square, bearing on the front a 'step' symbol and on the left side what appears to be traces of a crescent symbol with, below, what could be either a pair of pincers or a 'tuning fork' symbol. Clach a' Mheirlich (ONB 1874).
Ordnance Survey Name Book (ONB) 1874; J R Allen and J Anderson 1903.
Clach a' Mheirlich is as described and illustrated by Allen (1903).
Visited by OS (N K B) 23 March 1966.
Class I symbol stone.A step is carved on the east face,with a crescent above a pair of pincers on the south face
A.Mack 1997 p.118
Pictish Class I symbol stone - seen, badly eroded - little carving was visible.
CFA/MORA Coastal Assessment Survey 1998."