Asset Overview
**Rudistna školjka**
Velike rogovom podobne lupine rudistnih školjk je mogoče najti marsikje na Krasu in v Istri. Na prerezih skozi lupino teh krednih morskih prebivalcev lahko določimo celo posamezne vrste. Ponekod lahko v kamninah opazujemo nakopičenja lupin rudistov, ki so živeli v toplih in plitvih morskih zalivih. Zbirka Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije.
**Rudist bivalves **
The large horn-like shells of rudist bivalves can be found in many places in the Karst and Istria. In transverse sections of valves of these Cretaceous marine inhabitants, even individual species can be identified. In some rocks, the accumulation of shells of the rudists, which inhabited warm and shallow sea bays, can be observed. Collection of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History.