Rurikid Dynastic Tree (up to 6th generation)

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CHEI - UC San Diego
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The Rurik Dyanasty was a family of Norse origin which ruled Russia for over 700 years, a maternal line nephew in the Romanov family was elected to the Tsardom in 1610. The reach of the Rurikids in terms of marriages and relations is pretty astounding. Kings of England, Byzantine Emperors, nomadic Khans, Norse warlords, all married into the Rurikid family. All information and pictures are taken directly from wikipedia I got to the 6th generation before running out of steam. Sketchup seems to upload inconsistently, losing some textures and doing odd doublefaces inconsistently between uploads. In later revisions I'd hope to include: * Lines showing kinslaying (lots of that going on) * Line distance correlating to years, so generation actually show coexistence based on vertical overlap * Portrait/name size correlating to amount of progeny * sketchfab annotations for all Grand Princes of Kiev and Tsars * standardized labeling/nomenclature * consangunity