A sequel that actually lives up to its predecessor. With newly imagined skyscrapers, expanded and enriched city blocks, a larger variety of towers and fresh sub-details like rad billboards and bold helipads, this kit will redefine your sci-fi worlds and empower all your designs of the future.
Designed by Jian Zhi, modeled by Jacek Smętek, and texturing by Alexey HrDesign, with cover art by Jan Urschel.
◼ A MESSAGE FROM KITBASH3D ◼ Proceed with creativity! You are about to purchase a 3D asset kit that includes elements to set the scene as you build your world, whether it’s for video games, film, television, design, or art. These completely customizable assets will serve as the building blocks to help you create an original environment.
The arched niche (arcosolium) for 3 burials is located behind 1 grave in a hypogeum (an underground tomb of greater size) in the upper level of the catacombs. The niche is currently dated in the 3rd century AD and belongs to the oldest part of that level. The catacombs itself were used for burials from the 2nd century AD to the Middle Ages. Paintings: A red frame system divides the surface in geometrical motives, in which once different objects were placed. Today, they are lost, but in consideration of other preserved niches we can assume objects such as birds, flowers and vessels. In front: relic of orange frame.
Processed from 280 photos and 3 laser scans. The result of a joint project of GDH, the Zamani Project, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", and the Administration of the Catacombe di Napoli. Processed in Reality Capture. The descriptions were provided by Seniorprofessor Dr. Dieter Korol, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Project # Fresco 23a.