Asset Overview
The arched niche (arcosolium) for 4 burials is located in a hypogeum (an underground tomb of
greater size) in the upper level of the Catacombs. Below the vault you can see horizontal notches on
all 3 walls, perhaps for the insertion of cover plates of former graves. The niche is currently dated in
the 3rd century AD and belongs to the oldest part of that level.
The paintings are in bad conservation status: In the lunette you can only see reddish color structures
against a partly bluish background. On the ceiling are remnants of a circular, red frame and next to it
a brownish, curved line. The front shows remnants of 2 red and orange frames.
Processed from 289 photos and 4 laser scans. The result of a joint project of GDH, the Zamani Project, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", and the Administration of the Catacombe di Napoli. Processed in Reality Capture. The descriptions were provided by Seniorprofessor Dr. Dieter Korol, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.