Skull Greenpoint Waterfront

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Chris Mcardle
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CC BY 4.0

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3DF Zephyr v4.008 processing 398 images A raw scan based on GoPro 6 stills taken on the ground. Also making models based on drone footage and Google Earth screenshots to combine together and adding some PBR textures in water and metal into best version model Chris Mcardle here. This scan is part of an ongoing series of raw scans to highlight the strengths and limitations of various photogrammetry software/hardware combinations. This is why you will see multiple scans of a single subject-It is for easy comparisons of the same photo-sets being processed by the different software. It was here on Skethfab that I caught the photogrammetry bug and so I want to give back to the community. Hope these scans and info help others ease into this rewarding hobby Look forward to scans from Structure Sensor, Matterport , Sony's 3d Creator on the Xperia Z2 and, the option I use the most, a Go Pro that i combine with Photogrammetry Software like Reality Capture or 3DF Zephyr or Autodesk's Recap Photo.