Asset Overview
**Small Triptych – Deesis **
Small folding altars made in modern and contemporary Russian studios were considered ideal for travelling. They are part of the old tradition of making metal castings, especially cultivated in modern Russia in the circle of the Old Believers (Old Ritualists). This type of metalwork is often treated as a kind of manifestation of the Old Believers’ dissimilarity in connection with the decrees of Tsar Peter I of 1722 and 1723.
Usually, such triptychs showed the Deesis (traditional representation of Christ in Majesty), reproducing old iconographic patterns.
**For more images and further information, visit:**
Inventory number: MNK XVIII-246
Location of the physical object: National Museum in Kraków, Poland
**Digitalisation: Regional Digitalisation Lab, Małopolska Institute of Culture in Kraków, Poland; “Virtual Museums of Małopolska” Project**