Asset Overview
Spigot or tap from the wreck of the Earl Of Abergavenny.
Collection: Earl of Abergavenny
Classification: Crew/passengers
Measurements: Length: 130mm Height: 50mm
Date made: as yet unknown
Display: not on display
Manufacturer/Creator: as yet unknown
Credit: Portland Museum Trust
Spigots, or taps, were commonly fitted to casks and barrels.
Five hundred gallons of spirits and thirty nine tons of ale, beer, wine and liquors were generally provisioned for the Captain's table on a 1,200+ ton ship although this was reduced in the years after the Abergavenny's loss to a single 84 gallon puncheon of rum.
For more information on life on board an East Indiaman:
For more information about the Diving into the Digital Archives of the Earl of Abergavenny project click [here](