Asset Overview
# 市指定文化財 夏刈の二十三夜塔(福島県二本松市)
Period/Century :Edo period,1745
Cultural property designation : City Designated Tangible Cultural Properties
On the night of the 23rd day of the lunar calendar, people gather to watch the moon rise, worship it, and eat and drink together.
To commemorate the event, a stone structure was built with the 23rd and Buddha carved on it.
Beliefs about the moon have around since the Edo period(1603-1868), and there were stone structures all over the country.
Many of them were built on the night of the 23rd of the lunar calendar,
and others were built on the nights of the 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 26th.
Currently, that culture does not remain.

3D digitizing methods : Photogrammetry
Software : Reality Capture
Equipment : Nikon D750,NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G
Images : 866 photos
Date : Nov. 2020
GoogleMap :