The SU-122 was the first major variant of the successful T-34 chassis. After the first German Sturmgeschütz assault guns were seen in opertaions, an order was issued in April 1942 to several design bureaus to devise plans for a prototype SPG.(Self propelled gun). Many heavy guns were tested in the process. In the end, both 122 mm and 152 mm field howitzers were retained.
SU-122 oli eduka T-34 keha esimene suurem variant. Pärast seda, kui esimesi Saksa ründerelvi Sturmgeschützi oli näha operatsioonides, anti aprillis 1942 mitmele projekteerimisbüroole korraldus töötada välja iseliikuva kahuri prototüübi plaanid. Selle käigus katsetati paljusid raskeid relvi. Lõpuks säilitati nii 122 mm (4,8 tolli) kui ka 152 mm (5,98 tolli) haubitsad.
Information has been obtained from: https://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/soviet/soviet_SU-122.php