SWAAG HFS19 Excavation Area 3

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Tony Liddell
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Hagg Farm, Swaledale Community excavation with the Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group July 2019 The Area 3 trench measured 16m long by 5.5m wide and aimed to investigate a small enclosed area, presumed to be a yard to the rear (northwest) of a Romano-British hut circle first identified in 2012. It was excavated and recorded by first year students from Newcastle University supervised by James Gerrard. The excavation revealed that the flagged yard continued around the southwestern area of the hut circle but appeared to have been potentially robbed away beyond that. A nice section of low revetted wall was exposed on the southwestern section of the trench, with a rubble bank forming the main enclosure (west) at the upper end of the trench. The 'robbed' area contained evidence of a potentially earlier phase, with post-holes and linear cut features, one of which contained potentially Iron Age pottery. Most of the post-holes and cut features will be investigated in a future season.

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