Asset Overview
Standing Stone, Cairndinnis Farm: This four-sided monolith is situated 300 yds SSW of Traprain Law. It is 8ft high and the sides vary in breadth from 2ft 6 ins to 1ft 3 ins. This stone is known as the 'Loth Stone' on the supposition that it marks the grave of a fictitious monarch named Loth. It has been moved (post-1913) from its original position to the edge of the field to facilitate ploughing; at the time of its removal the ground about it was excavated, but nothing was found. However, the Ordnance Survey Name Book [ONB], which does not give a name to this standing stone, records that 'stone coffins' have been found in its vicinity. Only three sides were modelled as the stone stands embedded in a hawthorn hedge.
Canmore ID 56410, NGR NT 5782 7414.