Tullich, St Nathalan's, Pictish Symbol Stone

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Douglas Ledingham
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Tullich 1 (St Nathalan), Aberdeenshire, Pictish symbol stone Measurements: H 1.76m, W 0.49m, D 0.15m Stone type: Andalusite staurolite schist Place of discovery: NO 3905 9754 Present location: in a new display shelter adjacent to the kirkyard. Evidence for discovery: found in 1866 re-used in the blocking of a doorway in the north wall of the church. It was removed and set in a railed enclosure against the north wall. Present condition: trimmed along all four edges for secondary use, and the surface is weathered. Description This was a tall slab incised with three Pictish symbols: double disc and Z-rod above a Pictish beast, with a mirror below. The discs have an inner concentric circle and a central compass pit. The beast faces right, and the centrally placed mirror has an inner concentric circle and a double ball handle. Date: seventh century. Canmore ID 229637