Vasija antropomorfa femenina

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Museo de Arte Africano Arellano Alonso UVa
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Cultura Mangbetu / Procedencia: República Democrática del Congo / Cronología: principios del siglo XX Se compone de un vaso de forma redondeada que se asemeja, en este caso, al cuerpo de la mujer. La superficie de cada recipiente está decorada con motivos geométricos, que aluden a la costumbre mangbetu de decorar el cuerpo mediante escarificaciones o pinturas corporales. Tradicionalmente son modeladas exclusivamente por mujeres, vinculadas a su poder creador y a su papel de abastecedora del clan. Mangbetu culture / Origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo / Chronology: early 20th century It comprises a vessel of rounded form, which appears to be, in this case, the body of a woman. The surface of each recipient is decorated with geometric motifs, which allude to the Mangbetu custom of decorating the body by means of scarifications or body painting. They are traditionally modelled exclusively by women, linked to their creative power and their role as provider to the clan.

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