Asset Overview
DEM from LiDAR point cloud.
*The site is a truly formal standard of characteristic hillfort from northwest, with several walls and moats, two ramparts and a large main enclosure or croa. In the croa is where most of the buildings found until now are located: houses, corrals and warehouses, some buildings for social or communal use, etc. grouped into sets or “neighbourhoods” articled around two main streets and a pathway or round parallel to the main wall.*
*Defensive and habitational structures, as well as very abundant materials that continually provides this archaeological site (and that are exhibited in a selective way in the annexed museum), show that the Castro de Viladonga had a long settlement or occupation and especially important between II and V centuries, what makes it a key place to know, study and understand the evolution of the world of hillforts and the rural environment in galaico-roman age.*
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