WMID-061EAF - Papal Bulla of Clement VI

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A complete lead papal bull of Pope Clement VI, whose papacy lasted from c. AD 1341 - 1352. The bull is a cast lead or lead alloy oval seal which has decoration on both faces. The obverse(recta) depicts the faces of St Peter and St Paul below the inscription SPASPE (SPA = Sanctus Paulus, SPE = Sanctus Petrus), with a cross between the faces. St. Paul is seen on the left looking right, with a long pointed beard, and St. Peter is on the right facing left, with a rounded face and beard and hair formed from pellets. The faces are surrounded by an intermittent beaded border and also around the outside edge of the bull. The reverse bears the legend CLE / MENS / PP VI which is within a beaded border. There is an omega above the 'PP', which is an abbreviation of pastor pastorum - meaning shepherd of the shepherds. For more information, please visit the online database record available at: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/1057779