Wmid-42aa23 - probable Roman knife handle

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The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
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An incomplete copper alloy probable knife or possibly a mirror handle, of probable Roman dating (AD 43 to AD 410). The probable handle is cuboid in shape. The base of the probable handle is square (14.2 mm by 15.9 mm), and then it tapers diagonally down to a smaller square (6.7 mm by 7.0 mm), which forms the basis of the handle. A small collar is present at that junction. This handle section then extends (19.6 mm in length) and gradually widens before the split terminal section, which is a wider flatter rectangle (19.0 mm by 12.3 mm by 6.6 mm). Parts of a iron blade are present in the split terminal, providing evidence that this was a knife handle. No decoration appears present on either face. For more information, please visit the online database record available at: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/1059809