子どもたちが遊んでいたの。小学校に上がるぐらいまでね。 2つ違いで3人いました。だから長いこと遊んでいたの。 上に乗ってみて?乗っても壊れないようにつくられていて丈夫なの。
My children were playing with them. Until they were in elementary school. We had three children, two different from each other. So we played for a long time. Can you try to get on it? It’s very sturdy, and it’s made so that it won’t break when you get on it.
I was going to give it to my grandson, but his wife didn’t want to give the old one to her son. I keep it on the bookshelf now.
Some of the blocks in this picture are missing, even though I had two of each.
This toy is now my son’s LINE icon. My son is coming to visit next week, so maybe I can play with this toy with my grandson.