Yaxchilan Lintel 25

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Author name
Dale Utt
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CC BY-NC 4.0

Asset Overview

This lintel was carved from limestone during the reign of king Itzamnaaj B'alam II and shows Lady Xook invoking the Vision Serpent to commemorate the accession of her husband to the throne. Lady Xook holds a bowl containing bloodletting apparatus consisting of a stingray spine and bloodstained paper. The Vision Serpent rising before her has two heads, one at each extreme, from the mouth of one emerges a warrior, from the other emerges the head of central Mexican deity Tlaloc, a water god from the distant metropolis of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico. The hieroglyphic inscription on the lintel is unusual, being reversed as if it were meant to be read in a mirror, although the significance of this is unknown. Adapted from wikipedia. Taken on my recent trip to London. I am hardly the first person to make a model of this particular piece, but this one turned out pretty decent so I thought it was worth an upload! Taken with a Nikon D5600, made with RealityCapture, Blender, InstantMeshes, and Photoshop.

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