Pottery Bowl from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History Anthropology Collection.
Catalog Number: YPM ANT.232012
Description: 1 pottery bowl. Not slipped. Black and red painted decoration. Two black bands near rim with black triangles joined end to end pointing toward rim, entire design filled in with red. Square rim: 1/8' thick. Height 3 1/2'. Width 5 1/2'. Rim diameter: 2 5/8'. Based diameter 2 3/4'.
Materials: Ceramic; Paint/dye
Function: Containers
Culture Group: North American : Southeast : Pamunkey
Locality: North America
Unit of measurement = millimeters
3D Reconstruction performed using Reality Capture version 1.2.
409 images captured by the Computer Operated Photogrammetric Imaging System (COPIS), a project to design and prototype a modular, multi-view imaging system for museum collections. http://copis3d.org/
This work has been made possible in part by support from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor (award no. HAA-266508-19).