Èze Village - France

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Azad Balabanian
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Èze has been described as an “eagle's nest” because of its location overlooking a high cliff 427 metres (1,401 ft) above sea level on the French Mediterranean. It is so high that the light ochre church within (Notre Dame de l’Assomption built in 1764) can be seen from afar. An Egyptian cross inside the church suggests the village's ancient roots, when the Phoenicians erected a temple there to honour the goddess Isis - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%88ze) Friedrich Nietzsche stayed in one of the oldest houses of Eze and found inspiration for his third part of "Thus spake Zarathoustra" while climbing to the village by the path. "Many hidden corners and quiets heights in the landscape of Nice were sanctified for me by unforgettable moments" said Frederic Nieztsche in Ecce homo about his first stay on the Riviera from the December 2nd, 1883 to April 20th, 1884 - [Èze Tourism](http://www.eze-tourisme.com/en/decouvrir-visiter-se-divertir-2/visit-eze/eze-seaside/83-uk-son-histoire.html)