BF109e_a WW2 German Fighter Aircraft BF109E

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Author name
Zeus Game Assets
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Support For Unity Version
Package price
$ 19.99
WW2 German Fighter Aircraft BF109Eww2worldwarfighteraircraftplanegermanaxisbf109LuftwaffeMesserschmittairdogfightmilitaryvehicleflightpbrlowpoly
WW2 German Fighter Aircraft BF109E
6 Assets

Package Overview

Low-Poly model of the World-War 2 era German Luftwaffe aircraft: the BF-109e with real-world proportions and PBR materials, ready for use in your game or rendering project.

Parts that need to be animated were modeled separately with proper orientation and clear names: ailerons, elevator, rudder, flaps, landing gears, wheels, propeller and nose.


- 3 color maps inspired by real-world paint jobs in 2k pixel resolution.
- Propeller as a 512x512 pixels blurred sprite to give the illusion of high angular speed when the aircraft is airborne.
- PBR maps: MetallicSmoothness and Normal in 2k pixel resolution.

Technical Details

- Texture size: 2048x2048 pixels
- Polycount : 4118 tris, 2344 verts
- Physically-Based Rendering (PBR): Yes
- LODs, Cockpit, Interiors, Pilot, Sounds, Animations, Scripts: None.

Materials use standard shaders. LWRP materials are included.

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