
Find Similar (BETA)Purchase Package
Author name
Jaroslav Grafskiy
Unity Asset Store
Polygon Count
Release Date
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
Package price
$ 19.99
D46 Trident (Fighter)
8 Assets

Package Overview

This pack contains «D46 Trident» space fighter with 8 texture sets, collisions and animation. As bonus there are flickering light animation and space skybox.

Pack contains HQ details and perfect to close up shots. It can be used in space RTS, sidescroller or simulator.

Model info:

- MESH: Fighter hull with rotatable flaps and radar. 2 fixed guns are mounted on wings.

- TEXTURE: 8 pre-made HD (4k resolution) texture sets. Each set contain specific color scheme: Set 1: Navy, Set 2: Empire, Set 3: Technocracy, Set 4: Monarchy, Set 5: Corporate, Set 6: Pirate, Set 7: Shadow, Set 8: Lunar.

- COLLISIONS: Custom collision mesh.

- PREFABS: Pack include ready to use prefabs for all texture sets.

- FREE BONUS: space skybox.

- CUSTOMIZATION: Pack include Painter 2.0.3 project for easy color\decal customization.

- MORE WEAPON CUSTOMIZATION: If you want more ship weapon customization, you can buy HD Modular Turrets pack which contains (at total) 11 unique barrels, 3 turret bases, 4 missile\torpedo launchers, 2 side guns, 36 prefabs of large turrets and 26 medium turrets prefabs. And you can create even more options! Link - http://u3d.as/kvh

- MORE SENSOR CUSTOMIZATION: If you want more ship «eyes and ears» customization, you can buy HD Modular Sensor pack which contains: 11 antennas (radar), 4 long antennas, remote satellite and 2 command bridge types. Link - http://u3d.as/kvg

PBR Textures:

- PBR textures for Unity 5 Standard shader. (metalness setup)

- All textures created in linear color range. (however, asset can be used in Gamma color range too).

- 4096 textures: albedo, metalness (with gloss in alpha), normal (OpenGL), ambient occlusion and emissive maps in .tga file format.

- This pack use 1x 4096 texture.


- Moving parts were detached in single meshes and linked.

- All meshes have reasonable pivot points.

- Vertical and Horizontal Flaps have animated rotation on 45 degrees right\left or up\down.

- Front radar have animated rotation on 90 degrees right\left.

- Side guns have firing animation (recoil).

- Side guns have some animated rotating parts for weapon charge simulation.

- pack is ready for additional animation: – animation in fbx meshes is separated on individual clips with appropriate names. All animated meshes have animation controllers assigned. Animation controllers have imported animation with appropriate names.

Flickering Light Animation:

- Pack contains flickering light animation. You can use it for creating flickering lights on antenna tips.

Extra notes:

- The model is fully unwrapped by hand.

- Model was not intended for subdivision.

- No third-party renderer or plug-ins needed.

- All models have 0 rotation.

Polycount (tris)

D46 Trident (animated) – 7182 tris.

Collider – 172 tris.